
这篇《纽约客》上的 博客介绍了关于跨感觉通道研究。《纽约客》的科普文章是我心中的标杆,优雅、有趣又有料。 把咸爆米花放在红色罐子里,你吃起来会觉得是甜的;草莓慕斯装在白色而非黑色容器里,你会觉得更甜;马克杯里的咖啡比玻璃杯里的口感更醇;酸奶杯子重量增加你会觉得更稠……这些心理学中的跨感觉通道研究成果在商业上的应用。

Yuan Bo 袁博
Yuan Bo 袁博
Associate Professor of Psychology (Social Psychology)

My research examines the nature and dynamics of social norms, namely how norms may emerge and become stable, why norms may suddenly change, how is it possible that inefficient or unpopular norms survive, and what motivates people to obey norms. I combines laboratory and simulation experiments to test theoretical predictions and build empirically-grounded models of social norms and their dynamics.

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