


我深以为然,每天总是时不时打开朋友圈看看有没有人更新,严重影响到我工作时注意的集中性。朋友圈里发的文章也只是大致快速的浏览下,很少仔细去读、认真思考过。看到别人晒得一些幸福和快乐,又会觉得自己生活的好失败,所以朋友圈带来弊处远大于利处,索性不如关闭了。记得有篇 研究发现,青少年在社交媒体上花费的时间越久,患上抑郁的可能性越大。 这样看来这个研究结论极有可能是真的。


Yuan Bo 袁博
Yuan Bo 袁博
Associate Professor of Psychology (Social Psychology)

My research examines the nature and dynamics of social norms, namely how norms may emerge and become stable, why norms may suddenly change, how is it possible that inefficient or unpopular norms survive, and what motivates people to obey norms. I combines laboratory and simulation experiments to test theoretical predictions and build empirically-grounded models of social norms and their dynamics.

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