
Introdcution to nodeGame

nodeGame: Overview

  • Common online labor markets include Amazon Mechanical Turk, oDesk, Freelancer, Elance, Guru, CrowdFlower, Innocentive, or SurveySampling, etc. If monetary incentives are not required, it is simply possible to upload a link to Web sites like “Psychological Research on the Net” (, “The Web Experiment List” (, or “Online Social Psychology Studies” ( [nodeGame can be used to run experiments on online labor markets.]

  • nodeGame is under steady development, but it has already been used by several research teams to run experiments in the laboratory and online, such as: prisoner dilemma games, ultimatum games, public-goods games with and without assortative matching (Nax et al., 2016), burden-sharing games (Anderson et al., 2016), art-exhibition games (Balietti et al., 2016), and congestion games (Balietti et al., 2016). Figure 2 contains screenshots of the nodeGame interface for publicgoods games with noisy assortative matching.

  • Finally, in addition to online and laboratory behavioral experiments, nodeGame can also be used to perform other types of data collection, such as surveys and field experiments, as well as for didactic purposes in the lecture hall.最后,除了在线和实验室行为实验之外,nodeGame 还可以用于执行其他类型的数据收集,例如调查和现场实验,以及在演讲厅中进行教学。

After the server is started, participants can join the experiment by appending the name of the experiment, e.g., myexperiment, to the address of the server, viz:


All the elements of the experimental URL can be configured. For example, the protocol can be http or https, the port number can be changed or omitted, the name of the experiment can be replaced by an alias, or omitted completely. Query string parameters are optional, and can as well be disabled.

Furthermore, stages can be repeated multiple times, each repetition of which constitutes a new round. The number of rounds can be predefined before the experiment starts, or it can be determined at run-time, upon fulfillment of certain criteria, e.g., players reaching an agreement upon a bargaining. In our example, the ’game’ stage is repeated for three rounds, during which players randomly alternate between the role of bidder and respondent. Figure 3a illustrates the stages and steps discussed so far.


The simultaneous exploration of these three research dimensions in the laboratory and online is expected to put under severe test the predictions of current theories, and to lead to the generation of new ones of greater explanatory power. Accelerating the cycle of hypothesis production and testing is key to make rapid scientific progress by iteratively generating and refining evidence-based knowledge about human behavior. nodeGame aims at being a valuable instrument freely available to the community of social scientists in such a process.这三个研究维度在实验室和网上的同时探索,有望对现有理论的预测进行严峻的考验,并催生出具有更大解释力的新理论。加快假设产生和检验的周期是通过迭代生成和提炼关于人类行为的循证知识来取得快速科学进步的关键。 nodeGame 旨在成为社会科学家社区在此过程中免费使用的宝贵工具。

《如何用手机访问电脑本地localhost网页, 以调试项目?》

1. 先确保你的手机和电脑连在同一个局域网内. \2. Window + R, 然后输入 ifconfig,然后获取ip地址, 长这样: 192.168.XX.XX \3. 手机浏览器里输入这个地址: http://192.168.XX.XX:8080, it works



ifcongfig en0

# 这个是我的电脑在家里的局域网的ip地址

## 开启最后通牒任务

## 开启囚徒困境任务


## 开启囚徒困境任务
cd /Users/yuanbo/Downloads/Online_experiments/JATOS/jatos
./ start
#To use JATOS type in your browser's address bar

## 统一局域网内可以通过下面链接打开


Web Interface Forwarding -> http://localhost:8080 Forwarding -> http://localhost:8080


Start your local JATOS

./ngrok http 9000

ngrok screenshot is very similar to Serveo but with less features. In fact, as far as I can tell, it only does 1 thing: expose your local web server to the web with a public URL. And it does that well enough for me.

You’ll need to run the following (again, modify port number to suit your set up):

ssh -R 80:localhost:3000

There will be a message with the RSA key fingerprint of the tunnel server when you connect for the first time, and you’ll need to agree to continue with the connection.

Yuan Bo 袁博
Yuan Bo 袁博
Associate Professor of Psychology (Social Psychology)

My research examines the nature and dynamics of social norms, namely how norms may emerge and become stable, why norms may suddenly change, how is it possible that inefficient or unpopular norms survive, and what motivates people to obey norms. I combines laboratory and simulation experiments to test theoretical predictions and build empirically-grounded models of social norms and their dynamics.

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