Research topics

Social decision making 社会决策

The field mainly focuses on social and moral decision-making. By using the methods of traditional psychology and the techniques of cognitive neuroscience, I explore the cognitive process of fairness perception, cooperation and trust as well as moral decision-making. I expected learn more EEG and frmi knowledge and computational modeling skill (especial Bayesian modeling) to reveal the cognitive mechanism underlying the above social behaviors. 该研究领域主要集中在社会认知与道德决策,采用计算建模的方法与认知神经科学技术,从认知计算、情感、行为与神经系统层面,探讨个体诸如公平感知、合作与信任以及道德决策等社会心理与行为。

Social norm 社会规范

The field mainly examines the nature and dynamics of social norms, namely how norms may emerge and become stable, why norms may suddenly change, how is it possible that inefficient or unpopular norms survive, and what motivates people to obey norms. I combines laboratory and simulation experiments to test theoretical predictions and build empirically-grounded models of social norms and their dynamics. 该研究领域主要考察社会规范的性质和动态,即规范如何出现并变得内化稳定,为什么规范可能会突然改变,低效或不受欢迎的规范为何能继续存在,以及是什么促使人们遵守规范。我结合实验室和模拟实验来测试理论预测并建立以经验为基础的社会规范及其动态模型。

Other research interests 其他研究兴趣