Courses I teach at NBU

Undergraduate Student Courses 本科生课程





Graduate Student Courses 研究生课程(建设中……)

This is the course website for PSYC 575 in the 2022 Fall semester. The course follows a flipped course model so that students will review assigned readings and prerecorded lecture videos at their own time, while the class meeting time will be dedicated to software demonstration, Q&A, and exercises. You will find the syllabus, lecture materials, and R codes in the navigation bar at the top.

This is a graduate-level class in statistical methods on multilevel modeling, a popular technique in behavioral and social science research. The course covers topics in multilevel modeling, including two- and three-level hierarchical linear models (HLM), random intercepts and slopes, longitudinal models and growth curve models, and some recent development in multilevel modeling.

This is a course website for PSYC 573 in the 2022 Spring semester. You will find the syllabus, lecture slides, and course notes in the navigation bar in the top right corner. Homework submission will be through Blackboard.

Bayesian statistics is a coherent framework of doing statistics. It has been one of the biggest ongoing revolutions in quantitative research methods and has been recommended as an alternative to the classical approach of hypothesis testing, as well as a computational device for some problems not easily handled in the classical approach. Students will learn about applications of Bayesian statistical methods specifically on behavioral and social science data and develop skills in conducting Bayesian analysis of real-life data.

This is a collection of my course handouts for PSYC 621 class. The materials are based on the book by McElreath (2016), the brms package (Bürkner 2017), and the STAN language. Please contact me for any errors (as I’m sure there are plenty of them).
